Qnix- 4500 Digital Coating Thickness Gauge
- QNix® 4500 was developed for a broad spectrum of use in the automobile and painting industries. This compact gauge allows for extremely accurate measurements of paint and corrosion protection thicknesses, both on steel and iron as well as on nonferrous metals such as aluminum, zinc or copper.
- proven, compact handheld gauge
- gauge versions: with integrated probe or with cable probe
- fast measurements: up to 120 measurements per min
- measuring range of coating on Fe up to 5,000 µm, on NFe up to 3,000 µm
- Measuring Range:Fe 0-3.000 µm, NFe 0 – 3.000 µm
- Revolution:1 μm in the range up to 999 μm,
- Minimum Substrate Thickness:Fe: 0.2 mm, NFe: 0.05 mm
- Minimum Curvature: convex: 5mm, concave: 25mm
- Minimum measuring area: Ø 25 mm
- Measuring interval: Single measurement: 850 ms
- Extremely precise:High measuring accuracy over the entire measuring range.
- Simple operation: No calibration.One button only One-hand operation.
- Innovative technology:Proven Hall sensor and Eddy Current technology.
- Broad spectrum of use:Dual probe for measurements on steel and non-ferrous metals.
- Protective measuring:Polished ruby tip to protect both the probe and the surface measured.